Henry Yoshida of Rocket Dollar on Using Tax-Deferred Accounts to Invest in Startups and Other Alternatives

Henry Yoshida, CEO of Rocket Dollar is on a mission to help mass affluent and middle-class investors gain access to the same types of investments that were previously only available to the high-net-worth segment. How? By making it easy to use your IRA to invest in startups, real estate, small businesses, and even cryptocurrencies.

Very few Americans know that they can use their retirement accounts to invest in anything beyond stock, bonds, and mutual funds. But the ultrarich like Mitt Romney and Peter Thiel have IRAs that contain over $100 million in assets. They certainly didn’t accumulate that much by contributing $5,500 each year and investing it in an index fund.

Henry and his co-founders saw this as a huge opportunity. What if they could take the same process used by these mega-wealthy folks and make it easy to implement for your average investor? And they’ve done just that with Rocket Dollar.

If you would like to follow up with Henry to learn more simply shoot him a quick email.