How Financial Advisors Can Help Clients Manage The Gap Between What They Think Is Happening And What Is Actually Happening

James Beam, President of TD Private Client Wealth breaks down a common challenge that clients of today's financial advisors face... information overload that often results in clients having a distorted picture of what is actually happening in the world.

Jim and Mike also explore the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the modern financial advisor's business and how the use of a goals based advice approach can serve as a foundation for advisors regardless of what future technologies may come their way.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Mike referenced the concepts championed and powered by Vise in this episode. The startup has since pivoted a bit but the core of their AI powered solution is the same. Below are links to a few podcast episode Mike recorded with the founders of Vise, Runik Mehrotra and Samir Vasavada.